Saturday, 24 January 2009


First of all let me explain that for a few months i've had no pc, well now i have a laptop, second in Oct last year my kitten ran up the back of my bad leg, and now i can't sit for any length of time.

Also with having just got a laptop i need to load all my files and photos, the photos are on disc and for some reason unknown to me my new laptop's disc drive has stopped working, so until my sister rings her catalogue up (where she ordered it for me), i can't do much

Anyway here is some news from the UK, of a dvd release of one of John's works.

THICK AS THIEVES: THE COMPLETE SERIES is being released on 9th February (though also heard of date 28th January) so not sure but Amazon have Feb date. Released by Network for £14.99 Amazon price £9.98. I've just pre-ordered mine.

Please keep popping back as i hope to be fully up and running soon.

Take care everyone


kyrout said...

happy to see you and good luck for the future
carole aubagne

Lollipop said...

Hi Janet,

Great to have you back working your magic on the blog.

That is great news about"Thick As Thieves." It's about time.

Love, Lollipop

Theresa said...

Hi Janet...great to see you're back. No good about the trouble you're having. But hopefully you're back forever soon.
Thanks for info on TAT!