Saturday 27 April 2013

My email address

Sorry everyone but I've had to delete my email address from my blog, as it's been hacked, I now have a new email address but won't be adding it on here in case this is where the hacker got it from. I know it means true fans can't get in touch with me, but I'm sure we can find another way!


  1. ¿ y como puedo mndarte algo? a lo mejor ya lo has visto?
    pero me gustaria mandarte un video que encntre
    Virginia desde Chile

  2. you have our (the emails of those you write) on your old email, maybe you can, only, once open and collect our emails or can not open it when it hackerit?how we can wurte you?

  3. you have our (the emails of those you write) on your old email, maybe you can, only, once open and collect our emails or can not open it when it hackerit?how we can write you?
